Card's Story

For many years I have worked with a collective energy of Light beings called The Council of Light. Thirty years ago they described themselves to me, as twelve beings united in one voice.  I often see them as beautiful beings sitting around a crystal table, and it’s their energy working in oneness with my own inner being that provided the messages for this deck.  It was during the process of  creating  The Rainbow Oracle cards that  I was introduced to the dimensional beings from the Rainbow  Council of Light. Their energy spoke to me through colour, shape and design and my journey with them has been profound to say the least. It made perfect sense to me, all the beautiful rainbow colours that poured through me as I created my designs. These light beings became the voice of my art, bringing their beautiful healing rainbow energy of oneness into our consciousness. They are fully committed to assisting humanity in returning to the frequency of Unity, hence the name and the high vibration of rainbow colours used throughout the deck. I guess you could say it was a team effort, it’s like dancing with the Universe, everything flowed together, the art and the words.

Meeting the Archetypes

I’ll never forget waking up to find a very tall Atlantean standing before me; he looked like a king with his crystal crown strangely protruding from his forehead. I stared in awe, he must of known what I was thinking as he immediately said “I wear the vibrational crown of truth”As I connected to the energy of the Light archetypes, miraculously that particular energy would start playing out in my life as if to show me how to integrate it. I now understand that I was connecting with an aspect of my 5th dimensional expression that appeared to me as characters or archetypes. Bringing them to life as images was a way of anchoring their frequency of the Light into my consciousness and into the consciousness of anyone who holds and connects with these light encoded cards. They are the voice through which the greatest aspects of ourselves could speak, share and teach us to be unified. In my experience these 5D characters are a vibrational essence of oneness, you cannot work with them and not have a vibrational change, it’s that simple, and that is how it happened for me.